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S2W46: “Call it A Hunch”

© 2022 Phylicia Joannis

Simon perused the log book at the county jail, searching for an entry. He had a hunch he couldn’t shake, and he needed to confirm something.

“How much longer you need, Mr. Lowe?” The clerk glanced at his watch, but Simon ignored him. He was here as a favor from the warden and could take all the time he needed. Though if Miracle could be believed, there wasn’t much time left. And there it was. Jim Smith of Lowe and Barr. But there was no Jim Smith at Simon’s firm.

“Can you show me the entrance video for this date?” Simon pointed to the logbook, and the clerk shrugged and stood.

“Be a few minutes.”

Simon’s phone buzzed as he waited, and he happily answered.

“Lucky Penny! Did you find everything in order this morning?”

“Charles is stable and settled into his new room. Thank you for arranging this, Simon. I don’t think he’d be safe, otherwise.”

“Your happiness is my happiness, Penny.” Simon crooned. “But you didn’t just call to thank me.”

“No. I got a strange call from my brother a minute ago. He was with Miracle this morning, but now he says she’s on her way to her mother’s house.”

Simon let out an expletive and sighed. “Is she now?”

“Yeah. He was on his way to the subway station and was in a hurry to follow her. She took a cab with someone. What was his name again, Zinnia? Ryan Parker?”

“Oh, Zinnia is with you?” Simon asked.

“Yeah, we met by chance at a coffee shop by the hospital. Zinnia says the Ellison house isn’t too far from here. I’ve got a bad feeling about this, Simon.”

“Not to worry, Penny. If Miracle is with Ryan, and your brother’s right behind them, I’m sure she’ll be just fine.”

“You’re not telling me something, aren’t you?”

“Nonsense. Enjoy your coffee. Oh, and stay away from the downtown area today.” Simon disconnected as the clerk returned with the CCTV footage.

“Here we go.” He inserted a flash drive and Simon navigated through the files until he found one timestamped around the same time as Jim Smith’s entry log.

“Alright, Mr. Smith. Let’s get a look at you.”

Simon opened the video file, watching as a man with a moustache and slicked back hair approached the prison gate. If he took the moustache away, the man almost looked like . . .

Simon reared back and swore.


Penny put down her phone and picked up her coffee. Something niggled at her.

“You worried?” Zinnia asked.

Penny let out a sigh and nodded.

“So am I.” Zinnia’s face reflected the worry she felt. “Ryan ghosted me weeks ago when I asked him to find Miracle. Now he shows up to help her? Something’s not right.”

Zinnia stood and Penny raised her eyebrows. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going back to that house.” Penny watched her leave, feeling relieved. Her brother meant well, but Zinnia seemed much more capable. Her phone rang, and she set down her coffee.

“Simon?” Penny stood abruptly as Simon spoke. “Zinnia just left. She’s headed there now. Ryan? Are you sure?” Penny shook her head. “Okay, I’ll try and catch her. My brother’s phone isn’t working, he had to borrow someone’s. Miracle’s phone isn’t working either.” Penny ran out of the café, but Zinnia was already pulling off.

“Simon, you’ve got to do something.”

Published inDerailedderailed s2Webnovel

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